Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Friday, December 17, 2010

mobile technology? changing our society?

Abby Stern
Hour 2
In what ways is mobile technology changing our society?

          Mobile technology is changing our society in many ways. People think that having a phone is more of a necessity then a convenience. People use their phones for not only calling other people, but for texting, email, and the internet. Unfortunately texting causes a lot of problems for our society. People are texting all the time. During work meetings, school, and even while driving. Texting while driving not only puts you in danger, but everyone else around you. A lot of people die each year from either texting or being a victim of someone else texting while driving. Because people can go on the internet on their phone, some people don’t even need to buy computers which make a lot of computer companies sales go down. Phones are now making it easier to check your email, so that way bringing your laptop onto a vacation with you is no longer necessary. Some people even have a phone connected in their cars. They can use this to call people or use in an emergency, for example, On-star.

          The positives of the usage of mobile technology would be that you can get in contact with people a lot faster than having to go home and use your house phone or wasting money on a pay phone. If there was ever an emergency and you needed to get in contact with someone right away, then your cell phone is right there. Other positives can be texting because if you needed to tell someone something but you weren’t in the exact place for a phone call you could text someone what you had to say. This way you weren’t interrupting anyone. Another positive is that you can get the internet and you can check your email from your phone. This makes it easier for people who are on the go and have to send out last minute emails for work or they needed to check something on the internet. This was it’s all right there and you don’t have to waste time going to a computer.

          There are however, many negatives to having mobile technology. Texting is a huge distraction for kids especially in school. During school many kids are always texting which is taking away from the learning experience. Many of the kids have developed ways to hide their phones so that they can text. Many schools have placed rules where the kids can text in the halls or during lunch but they can’t text in the classroom. But kids still find a way to text. Texting can also be really dangerous. Many teens have started to text while driving. This has caused so many accidents and has took so many lives for doing something that they couldn’t wait to respond to until they reached a stop light or even pulled over. Not only teens but many adults are using their phones while driving whether its texting or talking on the phone while driving. Another negative to mobile technology would be how expensive it is. Not only do you have to pay for your phone, but you have to pay for your plan, texting, minutes, internet, apps, games, and other things. It’s all really expensive.

          Mobile technology can be positive and negative. Either way, you can get your good uses out of it but it can also have its downsides. Mobile technology is taking over our world and I think that people are starting to realize it now. I personally love my phone and I would pay for everything that I needed which is texting and minutes. But I don’t need internet or email. That is a waste of money to me. But most people are willing to pay for it. Mobile technology can be negative and positive in many ways.